EACS 19. Europäische Aids Konferenz

  18. - 21. Oktober 2023 - Warschau, Polen

Der europäische HIV-Kongress fand nach 20 Jahren zum zweiten Mal in Warschau statt. Auf der Tagung wurden viele Daten zu den aktuellen Standardtherapie sowie zu neuen Substanzen in der Entwicklung vorgestellt. Wie gewohnt wurden auch die aktualisierten europäischen Leitlinien zu allen Bereichen der HIV-Infektion präsentiert. 


EACS 2023 Publikationen - ViiV

DOLUTEGRAVIR-based regimens

3-Year Outcomes for Dolutegravir (DTG) + Lamivudine (3TC) in ART-Naive and Pre-Treated People Living with HIV-1 (PLHIV) in Germany: Real-world Data From the German URBAN Cohort

Noe S. et al.

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Systematic Literature Review of Real-world Experience with the 2-Drug Regimen Dolutegravir + Lamivudine (DTG + 3TC) in People with HIV-1 (PWH) Aged > 50 Years

Letang E. et al.

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Real-world effectiveness of Dolutegravir + Lamivudine (DTG + 3TC) in Treatment-Naïve People with HIV-1 (PWH) and Low CD4+ Cell Count or High Viral Load at Baseline: A Systematic Literature Review

Letang E. et al.

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No significant difference in incident hypertension observed by gender, race, baseline BMI or other key subgroups through week 9 6 a m o n g People Living With HIV-1 (PLWH) Receiving Dolutegravir (DTG)-Based Regimens or Comparator Antiretroviral Therapy (cART) in Pooled Randomized Clinical Trials

Patel P. et al.

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CARAVEL: evaluation of real-world antiviral effectiveness and sustainability of the 2-drug regimen Dolutegravir/Lamivudine Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) in treatment-naïve adults and pre-treated adults who are virologicaly suppressed, in routine clinical care, in France. One-year interim analysis results.

Philibert P. et al.

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CABOTEGRAVIR + RILPIVIRINE Long-acting for treatment

SOLAR 12-month European results: randomized switch trial of CAB+RPV LA vs. oral BIC/FTC/TAF

de los Santos G. et al.

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Efficacy, safety, and implementation outcomes of cabotegravir + rilpivirine long-acting by country in the cabotegravir and rilpivirine implementation study in European locations (CARISEL)

Jonsson-Oldenbuettel C. et al.

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Cabotegravir + rilpivirine long-acting efficacy and safety outcomes by sex at birth, age, and race: a subgroup analysis of the CARISEL study

Ghosn J. et al.

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CABOTEGRAVIR Long-acting for prevention

Drivers of discontinuation of oral PrEP within Europe: Findings from a real-world survey of PrEP use

Schroeder M. et al.

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Early and Durable Reductions in Soluble CD14 Concentrations Among Treatment-Experienced Persons With HIV-1 Through 96 Weeks of Fostemsavir Treatment in a Phase 2b Clinical Trial

Elizabeth R. et al.

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Long-term Safety and Impact of Immune Recovery in Heavily Treatment-Experienced Adults Receiving Fostemsavir for up to 5 Years in the BRIGHTE Study

Libre M.J. et al.

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Sustained Improvements in Biomarkers Observed With Fostemsavir in Heavily Treatment-Experienced Adults With Multidrug-Resistant HIV-1 From the Phase 3 BRIGHTE Study Through Week 240

Castagna A. et al.

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Above Brand

Drivers of satisfaction and quality of life of people living with HIV within Europe: Findings from a real-world survey of people living with HIV

O'Brien P. et al.
Meet the Expert

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Patients' fears and expectations related to HIV infection and its treatment in Poland. A Positive Perspective 2 substudy

Moskwa M. et al.

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Other disease-related content

Efficacy and Safety of the HIV-1 Maturation Inhibitor G S K 3 6 4 0 2 5 4 + 2 N R T I s in Treatment-Naive Adults: 2 4 - Week Results From the Phase IIb, Randomized, Dose-Range Finding DOMINO Study

Joshi S.R. et al.

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Efficacy and Safety of the HIV-1 Maturation Inhibitor G S K 3 6 4 0 2 5 4 ( G S K ’ 2 5 4 ) as Part of a 2 - Drug Regimen ( 2 D R ) in Treatment-Naive Adults: 24-Week Results from the Phase IIb DYNAMIC Study

Joshi S.R. et al.

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Safety and Tolerability of V H 3 8 1 0 1 0 9 ( N 6 L S ) Among Antiretroviral Therapy–Naive Adults Living With HIV-1: Results From the Monotherapy Phase of the Phase IIa BANNER Study

Leone P. et al.
Parallel Session

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Utilizing Population Modeling Approaches to Evaluate the Pharmacokinetics and Virological Activity of VH 3 8 1 0 1 0 9 (N6LS) in the Phase IIa BANNER Study

Edwards A.Y. et al.

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  • Newletter online

    Jeden Monat akutelle Informationen rund ums Thema HIV und sexuell übertragbare Erkrankungen.

    Für Ärzt_innen, Menschen mit HIV und alle Interessierten.

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Diese Website bietet aktuelle Informationen zu HIV/Aids sowie zur HIV/HCV-Koinfektion. Im Mittelpunkt stehen HIV-Test, Symptome und Auswirkungen der HIV-Infektion, Behandlung der HIV-Infektion, HIV-Medikamente mit Nebenwirkungen und Komplikationen, Aids, Hepatitis B und C. Ein Verzeichnis der Ärzte mit Schwerpunkt HIV ergänzt das Angebot.