The 24th International AIDS Conference
Montreal, Juli 2022
Die 24. WeltAidsKonferenz findet im kanadischen Montreal unter dem Motto „Re-engage and follow the science” statt. Die Welt hat die vor Corona gesetzten Ziele aus den Augen verloren und soll sich wieder im Kampf gegen HIV/Aids engagieren. Neben den politischen Themen werden aber auch wissenschaftliche Studien vorgestellt werden zu Therapie, PEP und PrEP sowie STI inklusive Affenpocken.
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TAF und Gewicht
Langzeit-Daten belegen mittlerweile die Gewichtszunahme unter TAF.
Integrasehemmer und Gewicht
Auch die Integrasehemmer der zweiten Generation sind mit einer verstärkten Gewichtszunahme assoziiert.
ART LA und Gewicht
Gepoolte Daten aus den Studien FLAIR und ATLAS, in denen Cabotegravir+Rilpivirin LA mit Dolutegravir/Abacavir/Lamivudin verglichen wurde...
Real World und Gewicht in Afrika
Der Gewichtsverlauf von 7047 Personen in Zimbabwe, die 2008-2021 eine ART begonnen bzw. das Regime gewechselt hatten...
ART LA intramuskulär in den Oberschenkel
Eine Alternative zur intramuskulären Injektion von Cabotegravir/Rilpivirin LA ...
CARLOS: Daten zur ART LA aus der Praxis
In der deutschen Beobachtung CARLOS war der häufigste Grund für den Wechsel auf Cabotegravir+Rilpivirin LA nach Ansicht der Ärzt*innen ...
In der laufenden Phase-3-Studie ALLIANCE wird die Fixkombination B/F/TAF gegen DOL + F/TDF mit HIV/HBV-Koinfektion geprüft.
Erneut Patient geheilt nach Knochenmark-Transplantation
Sexuell übertragbare Infektionen
Doxycyclin nach dem Sex vermindert das STI-Risiko um rund 60%
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Gilead internal datasets
- Avihingsanon - Alliance - BVY HBV Wk 48 -AIDS2022 - OALBX0105
- Sax - BVY 5yr Pooled – AIDS2022 - EPB150
2. TAF
2. Lenacapavir (LEN)
- Jogiraju - Simplified LEN PK – AIDS2022 - PESUB22
- Kumar - LEN ISRs - AIDS2022 - EPB184
- Margot - CAPELLA - Resistance Wk 52 - AIDS2022 - EPB240
- Shaik - LEN PK Factors - AIDS2022 - EPB174
- Shaik - LEN QWK Simul - AIDS2022 - PESUB23
- VanderVeen - CALIBRATE - Resistance Wk54 - AIDS2022 - EPB239
3. HIV Cure
4. Prevention
- Kiweewa - PURPOSE - Testing Uganda - AIDS2022 - EPC114
- Mounzer - DISCOVER – Lipids - AIDS2022 - EPB109
- Ruane - DISCOVER – Concordance - AIDS2022 - EPC118
- Tao - RWE PrEP Utilization - AIDS2022 - PEMOC33
Gilead investigator sponsored research (ISR) and collaborative studies
- Camici - A pilot study of the impact of a rapid ART initiation in advanced HIV disease - AIDS2022 - EPB151
- Havens - Base PK - AIDS2022 - EPB177
- Hayani - BIFAST - Starting ART at the first - AIDS2022 - EPB153
- Mounzer - Advanced HIV infection in the US immune response to ART initiation - AIDS2022 - EPB148
- Rolle - Change in weight and BMI associated with switching to BIC/FTC/TAF vs. a DTG-based regimen - AIDS2022 - EPB116
- Sterman - Safety and efficacy of switching to BFTAF plus DOR - AIDS2022 - EPB159
C. Comorbidities
- Hechter - Incidence and Predictors of Clinical Bone Fractures among People With HIV on Antiretroviral Therapy - AIDS2022 - EPC089
- Esser/Mavarani - HIV & HEART - Switching ART regimens is associated with higher weight gain in PLWH – AIDS2022 – EPB112
D. Prevention
- Delany-Moreltwe - HPTN084 - Long acting cabotegravir updated efficacy and safety results - AIDS2022 – OALLB
- Grinsztejn - HPTN083 - Transgender Women (TGW) - An Evaluation of Safety, Efficacy, and Gender Affirming Hormonal Therapy - AIDS2022 – EPLBC04
- Herrera - Ex vivo HIV suppression in foreskin tissue after oral dosing of FTDF and FTAF in young African males – AIDS2022 – EPA065
- Liu - P4 open label eval of BFTAF nPEP - AIDS2022 – OALLB
- Mills - HPTN082 - Motivations for starting and stopping PrEP Experiences of AGYW - AIDS2022 – EPD339
- Rivero - Prevalence and factors of HCV infection - AIDS2022 - EPC235
- Tolley/Etima - Acceptability of injectable cab - AIDS2022 - EPD103
- Young - Adolescent girls and young women’s experiences with disclosing oral or vaginal PrEP use - AIDS2022 – EPD428
ViiV Healthcare
DOLUTEGRAVIR-based regimens |
Efficacy and Safety of Switching to Dolutegravir/Lamivudine by Baseline Regimen in
Virologically Suppressed Adults: 48-Week Pooled Analysis |
Changes in Inflammatory Biomarkers and Baseline Variables After Switching to
Dolutegravir/Lamivudine (DTG/3TC) in 2 Randomized Clinical Trials of Virologically Suppressed Adults: 48-Week Pooled
Analysis |
Efficacy and Safety of Switching to Dolutegravir/Lamivudine (DTG/3TC) in
Treatment-Experienced, Virologically Suppressed PLHIV Aged ≥50 Years: Pooled Results From the TANGO and SALSA Studies
Low Level of Virologic Failure and Resistance in ART-Experienced, Integrase
Inhibitor-Naive Participants Receiving Dolutegravir (DTG) and Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs)
Combined Regimens: 10-Year Follow-up in the SAILING Study |
Switching to Dolutegravir/Lamivudine Two-Drug Regimen: Durability and Virologic
Outcomes in Routine US Clinical Care |
A Multicentre Observational Study to Determine the Safety and Effectiveness of
Dolutegravir (DTG) Use During Pregnancy: Data From DOLOMITE-NEAT ID Network Study |
Treatment Experience of Single-Tablet Dolutegravir/Lamivudine in the United States:
Results From the ‘Real-world Outcomes With Dolutegravir-Based Two-Drug-Regimens Dovato and Juluca for the Treatment of
HIV-1’ (TANDEM Study) |
Improvements in Patient-Reported Outcomes in Older Adults Aged ≥50 Years With HIV-1
After Switching to a 2-Drug Regimen of Fixed-Dose Combination DTG/3TC: 48-Week Results From the SALSA Study |
Expedited Development and Registration Resulting in Successful Uptake of Generic,
Pediatric Dolutegravir Products for Low- and Middle-Income Countries Through an Innovative Public-Private Partnership*
Access this presentation via the AIDS 2022 conference website |
Safety and Effectiveness Outcomes From the CARISEL Study: Phase 3b Hybrid-3
Implementation Study Integrating Cabotegravir + Rilpivirine Long-Acting Into European Clinical Settings |
Long-Acting Cabotegravir + Rilpivirine Injection Site Reactions: Pooled Week 96
Results |
Long-Acting Cabotegravir + Rilpivirine in Older Adults: Pooled Phase 3 Week 96
Results |
“Give It a Shot”: Best Practices From HCPs for Administering Long-Acting CAB + RPV
Initiating Long-Acting Cabotegravir and Rilpivirine in a Real-world setting –
Clinical Characteristics and Switch Reasons From PLHIV and Health Care Provider Perspective in the German CARLOS Cohort
Week 96 Weight and Lipid Changes From Baseline Among Participants Receiving
Cabotegravir and Rilpivirine Long-Acting or Comparator Therapy in the ATLAS-2M and FLAIR Studies |
Pharmacokinetics (PK) and Tolerability of Cabotegravir (CAB) and Rilpivirine (RPV)
Long-Acting (LA) Intramuscular (IM) Injections to the Vastus Lateralis (Lateral Thigh) Muscles of Healthy Adult
Participants |
Factors Associated With Healthcare Providers’ Preference for Forgoing an Oral Lead-in
Phase When Initiating Long-Acting Injectable ART in the SOLAR Clinical Trial |
A Study Evaluating the Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of a
High-Concentration (CAB 400 mg/mL) Cabotegravir Long-Acting Injectable Formulation Following Subcutaneous and
Intramuscular Administration in Healthy Adult Participants |
CABOTEGRAVIR for prevention |
The Relative Cost-effectiveness of Long-Acting Injectable Cabotegravir Versus Oral
Pre-exposure Prophylaxis: A Modelled Economic Evaluation and Threshold Analysis in South Africa Based on the HPTN 083
and 084 Trials* |
Access this presentation via the AIDS 2022 conference website |
Long Acting Cabotegravir: Updated Efficacy and Safety Results From HPTN 084* |
Access this presentation via the AIDS 2022 conference website |
Transgender Women (TGW) in HPTN 083: An Evaluation of Safety, Efficacy, and Gender
Affirming Hormonal Therapy (GAHT) Interactions With Long-Acting Cabotegravir (CAB-LA)* |
Access this presentation via the AIDS 2022 conference website |
Willingness and Preferences for Long-Acting Injectable PrEP Among US Men Who Have Sex
With Men |
Audience Segmentation of Preferences for Long-Acting Injectable PrEP Among US MSM: A
Latent Class Analysis |
Supporting Achievement of the State of Georgia’s 25% HIV Incidence Reduction Target
Among MSM: A Mathematical Model to Evaluate the Potential Impact of Long-Acting Preexposure Prophylaxis in Atlanta |
Selection of Cabotegravir Dosing Regimens for HIV Treatment and Pre-exposure
Prophylaxis (PrEP) in Adolescents by Leveraging Adult Data* |
Acceptability of Injectable Versus Daily Oral Pills for HIV Prevention: Lesson From
HPTN 084 * |
Access this presentation via the AIDS 2022 conference website |
Fostemsavir |
Efficacy and Safety of Fostemsavir Plus Optimized Background Therapy in Heavily
Treatment-Experienced Adults With HIV-1: Week 240 Results of the Phase 3 BRIGHTE Study |
Other HIV-related content |
Bridging the Gap Between Patient Perceptions and Delivered Care Among People Living
With HIV in the Asian Region |
Implementation of Telemedicine for HIV Care in the Public Health System of Buenos
Aires, Argentina: A Qualitative Study Based on Surveys Among Health Workers to Assess Acceptability of This Strategy*
Do ART and Chemsex Drugs Get Along? Potential Drug-Drug Interactions in a Cohort of
HIV-Positive Chemsex Users* |
U=U Awareness Promotes Engagement in HIV Care Among HIV Negative Men Who Have Sex
With Men in Mississippi and Alabama* |
Differences in Burden of Internalized HIV Stigma (IHS) by Race/Ethnicity Among People
With HIV (PWH) Living in the US* |
Does Travel Time Matter?: Transportation Vulnerability and Access to HIV Care Among
People Living With HIV in South Carolina* |
Implementation of a Ridesharing Intervention to Address Transportation Vulnerability
for People Living With HIV in the Southern United States: Qualitative Findings on Acceptability and Feasibility* |
*denotes ViiV-supported studies